Bidenoptics: The Media’s Reckoning with Its Own Narrative

Thomas P. Valenti
4 min readJul 6, 2024

In the political realm, the term “Bidenomics” has been coined to describe President Joe Biden’s economic policies. However, a new term, “Bidenoptics,” has emerged to highlight how mainstream media and burden handlers have historically worked to cast President Biden in the best possible light, often contrary to prevailing evidence. Now, as the media begins to recognize the consequences of this approach, there is an evident shift to overcome past mistakes without explicitly admitting their role in shaping the current landscape. This essay explores the concept of “Bidenoptics” and the media’s evolving relationship with it.

The Crafting of Bidenoptics

“Bidenoptics” can be understood as a concerted effort to present President Biden in a positive light through selective reporting, emphasis on favorable narratives, and downplaying or ignoring negative aspects.

This approach involved several key strategies. First, media outlets often focused on stories that highlighted President Biden’s achievements or positive attributes while minimizing coverage of his administration’s shortcomings as well as his physical prowess and cognitive acuity. Second, when negative news could not be avoided, media coverage tended to frame it in a way that emphasized President Biden’s efforts to address the issue or his…



Thomas P. Valenti

Conflict resolution practitioner; certified mediator, AAA neutral, mediation, arbitration, facilitation.